The Days of Judy B by Rose Heiney

The Days of Judy B

Rose Heiney

Judy Bishop leads parallel lives: the successful fun loving celebrity socialite and the overweight depressive, frustrated in love, life and career. We follow her conflict alternately through her weekly lifestyle column and the glimpses of the truth which lie behind it. This is a very funny book with an underlying pathos which gives it an unexpected depth and poignancy.

I don't know what started all this. I can't pinpoint the moment when my job became a lie and my interest became an obsession. I can't name the day when my friends evaporated, my life started to crumble and Judy B kept on giggling across the rubble. I can't even remember when I last did laundry. There is no excuse for my being the way I am. But this much I know: it has to change, soon. I am in the mother of all ruts; with every week that passes another exit is being boarded up. One more year and I will be trapped, alone, forever screaming out neatly formed jokes from a music lined pit of shop-bought Battenburg cake and Sambuca .... I am a twenty-three-year old, overweight virgin with only three pairs of shoes. If I'd grown up in an impoverished Mormon village in rural Utah, I'm sure that I could be the subject of a heartbreaking documentary.
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