Swift as Desire by Laura Esquivel

Swift as Desire

Laura Esquivel

This story demonstrates that no matter how well someone thinks they can communicate, interpret and understand, misunderstandings occur in relationships which lead to long-term rifts and sadness. It also shows that with ingenuity, practical application and love, disability and estrangement can be overcome.

The feeling of injustice was so deeply buried within his soul that it made him feel totally powerless, the impotence of several generations of campesinos who had suffered terrible abuse at the hands of the large landowners. Jubilo was so in tune with Jesus's pain that he felt in his own body the offense, the humiliation, the impotence. And in that instant he knew he had to avenge this poor man who didn't know how to tell his fiancee, just two weeks beforehand, that they had to suspend the preparations for their eagerly anticipated wedding.
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