Sorcery Rising by Jude Fisher

Sorcery Rising

Jude Fisher

A fantasy adventure with a young heroine who is learning about life the hard way. A revival of the magic arts de-stabilises a volatile tribal society. It's an easy read with a plot that will keep you interested. Very good for a long haul flight. First in a series.

Two more moves and she had her hands on the flat summit: using a sharp incut for her right foot to gain more height, she pushed down hard till her arms could take her whole weight, skipped her feet up the remaining stretch of rock; and suddenly she was on top of Sur's Castle, on top of the world.

Sitting there, with her feet dangling over the edge, with the Moonfell Plain stretching away below, a glorious sense of well-being descended upon Katla.

So she was surprised and not a little dismayed when someone starting shouting, apparently at her.

  • The Earthsea Quartet by Ursula Le Guin
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