The Butterfly Box by Santa Montefiore

The Butterfly Box

Santa Montefiore

Find real escapisim in this traditional romantic saga! Federica Campione adores her father, Ramon, and is devastated when her parents' marriage ends in divorce. A beautiful butterfly box is the only connection she has with him. As a young woman, she, too, falls in love but will she ever know true happiness?

Federica ran upstairs and slammed her bedroom door behind her. She threw herself onto her Snoopy duvet and cried. How could he rush off like that with no warning? She had invested all her hopes in him. She was sure he was going to stay. Besides, he enjoyed it in Polperro. They had had fun. He liked the Applebys but most of all he had appeared to like her mother again. They had become friends. What went wrong? When she had tired of crying she pulled the butterfly box onto her knee and opened the lid. She stared down into the glimmering crystals and watched the butterfly extend her wings, changing from reds to blues, as if in sympathy. In the mesmerising shades of the ancient stones she hid from her unhappiness and the sudden sense of rejection that gripped her heart with cold claws. Slowly she lost herself in her memories that seemed to resonate in each tiny gem.
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