Pretty Little Dead Things by Gary McMahon

Pretty Little Dead Things

Gary McMahon

For a fledging writer this is great. The plot line is imaginative and full of twists, just the thing to keep you turning the pages. I am not usually a fan of horror, but this was a winner, I am going to read more of this author. Don't read this if you are expecting the current popular horror romance story, but you will be ok if you don't like too much gore and enjoy suspense and dramatically unfolding plots with a nod to the crime genre.

During my years as what can only be described as a psychic sleuth I'd honed and utilised many specialised methods. Seeing the dead, being called upon by spirits to help guide them to the next level, is a very esoteric field - I had no business rivals and I paid no income tax on my earnings. It was hard work, thankless for the most part. But after the death of my wife and daughter it was the only thing that meant anything. My talent - my ability to see ghosts - was like an anchor, ironically tethering me to the physical world. Without it, I would've taken a hot bath with a cold razor, or dived off the nearest bridge with rocks in my pocket.
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