The Chef by Martin Suter

The Chef

Martin Suter

An exotic and erotic tale of culinary exploits and sexual adventures set in Switzerland against a backdrop of economic crisis and also a thriller about arms dealing. Maravan, a Tamil dishwasher, and the beautiful waitress Andrea set up a business with a difference using the aphrodisiac recipes of his ancestors with intriguing and sometimes unsavoury results! Lots of lovely recipes at the end. A mouthwatering story in more ways than one!

'I must have been about five when I first watched my great aunt making puttu. She transformed rice and lentils into flour, grated coconut into milk, then worked everything into a dough, and from this made lots of little balls, which she transformed with steam, coconut milk and palm sugar into sweet fake banyan figs. It was then that I learnt that cooking is transformation and nothing more. Cold into warm, hard into soft, sour into sweet. That's why I became a cook. because I'm fascinated by the process of transformation.'
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