Slip of a Fish by Amy Arnold

Slip of a Fish

Amy Arnold

The ugliest form of mother love explored in this book will disturb even the most liberated reader. As Ash, the mother in question, goes to unforgivable lengths to retain a hold on her seven year old daughter, her delicate state of mind is laid bare for all to see. Complex and clever wordplay add a literary dimension to this strikingly brave novel.

I’ll stop swimming and I’ll start wading and I can feel the sun on the back of my head and I’m swimming in. I’m waiting to feel the bottom under my feet and then I’ll wade.
The midwife said, 'Enjoy her.'
That was the last thing she said. And I have. I have. I walked to the top of Cotters Hill and that was the beginning. The new beginning.
I thought Nelson had changed things. Things changed so quickly.
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