Fake Accounts by  Lauren Oyler

Fake Accounts

Lauren Oyler

What is the truth? Is it what you see, what you believe you see or what someone else wants you to see? This book is set in a world of online posturing and fake news. Boyfriend Felix is not all he seems and our protagonist adopts a number of imaginary identities to set about replacing him. Funny and touching, I immediately engaged with the complex humour and was impressed by this debut novel.


After about five drinks – the unlimited beer having been German and low in alcohol content – I finally became my true self. Felix and I talked and talked .... There were stories from childhood and discussions of the news of the day. Finally, closing in on midnight, when we were en route to the S-Bahn to the crawl’s final destination, an all-ages club called Matrix that played shrieking house remixes of Top 40 songs, he asked me if I would like to ditch the crawl and go to a 'real bar' after he dropped off the rest of the group. I said yes. Actually I said I had been looking forward to the club and wanted to 'check it out' and watched happily as the horror on his face transformed into understanding of my joke.

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