Not particularly well written science fiction, using quite a lot of made-up terms - the meaning of some were not clear to me - and abbreviations, even for simple things like gravity (grav). There's a lot of stuff about computer programmes, and different types of networks, which might interest anyone with an interest in computer systems. And it's very long!
There were few people in the outworlds whose praise could affect Masada; Gaza was one of them. 'That would be an honor indeed.' His face had grown slightly warm at the praise, but he had his wellseeker put a stop to that. Biological display of any kind was distasteful to him. 'I have some figures I'd like to check with you, and simulations to run - ' He stopped suddenly, aware that in his haste to get started he might have missed some fine points of protocol, and added, 'Assuming we move right to business, of course.'