This Alien Shore by C S Friedman

This Alien Shore

C S Friedman

Not particularly well written science fiction, using quite a lot of made-up terms - the meaning of some were not clear to me - and abbreviations, even for simple things like gravity (grav). There's a lot of stuff about computer programmes, and different types of networks, which might interest anyone with an interest in computer systems. And it's very long!

'... I've waited a long time to meet the man who designed the Hellsgate-909 antibody. When they approved your coming here ... well, let's just say that when this job is finished, I'd welcome a chance to sit down and talk shop with you.

There were few people in the outworlds whose praise could affect Masada; Gaza was one of them. 'That would be an honor indeed.' His face had grown slightly warm at the praise, but he had his wellseeker put a stop to that. Biological display of any kind was distasteful to him. 'I have some figures I'd like to check with you, and simulations to run - ' He stopped suddenly, aware that in his haste to get started he might have missed some fine points of protocol, and added, 'Assuming we move right to business, of course.'

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