He Kills Coppers by Jake Arnott

He Kills Coppers

Jake Arnott

A crime spanning the decades of the 60s to the 90s, which captures the essence of London during these periods. The three main characters are struggling to come to terms with their inner demons and their stories are told in the first person, which can be difficult to follow. Disturbing at times - I found I was haunted by the song sung by the football supporters and the political activists - but well worth reading for the twists in the plot, and definitely worth persevering with to find out what happens in the end!

Billy lay on the grass in Hyde Park. A sunny day. A red glow on the backs of his eyelids. Killing time. Here I am, he thought. I'm the one you're looking for. His mind was reeling. Ever present. An animal paranoia of being hunted. He couldn't relax for a second. When he was a kid he thought if he closed his eyes and everything disappeared he would disappear too. He would become invisible. But now he felt himself being watched all the time.
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