Mrs Kimble by Jennifer Haigh

Mrs Kimble

Jennifer Haigh

Who was Ken Kimble? Certainly an enigma to his three wives, each of whom he deserted one way or another. An enigma to me too - but the subject of a thoroughly engrossing read and one that I will be recommending to my reading group - not least so that we can all discuss what (may have) made the man tick. Watch out for the change of voice with the change of wife - it can be difficult to keep up.

For weeks after he left, she'd wandered around the house in a daze; then, one afternoon she'd ransacked his closets, his home office, looking for proof that he'd loved her. She found no letters, no photographs, no mementos saved in a sentimental moment; only canceled checks, bank statements, receipts for things he'd bought. These were the only traces he'd left behind, a history of luxuries purchased and consumed.
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