Djibouti by Elmore Leonard


Elmore Leonard

A departure from his usual themes, but an assured performance from the old master. The dialogue is typically slick and, though terrorism is at the centre of the plot, humour is never far away. Dara Barr is a documentary film maker trying to do a programme on Somali pirates, but then finds herself involved in Al Quaeda-sponsored terrorism. In particular, she falls foul of of Jama Raisuli, a man who kills people as though he were swatting flies.

He told himself he wouldn't be sitting around watching TV anyway, not with all the things had to be done. First, go back to Hunter's place for his binoculars. Then drive up to the Kempinski to watch the entrance from a spot in the trees. Being a terrorist was a pain in the ass when you weren't spreading terror.
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