Fang by C M Morrison


C M Morrison

If you worked for a PR Company in London whose boss hated (beyond all reason) the head of another London PR Company, would you think it a good idea to plan a joint team-building weekend in the Scottish borders, reviving the murderous feuding of the Armstrongs, the Maxwells, the Kerrs and the other border families? You just cannot begin to imagine how badly this will go wrong. Enjoy a sub-Brookmyre farce of epic proportions.

Wear was finding it hard to concentrate on what Alison Sweetness was telling him regarding how this new training course would dig them both out of the mire. He was only too aware of her close proximity, the tantalising glimpses of her naked body that occasionally swam into view and both his overheated and overexcited condition both of which he knew were plainly apparent. She must have deliberately given him so small a towel.
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