Like Plastic by David Flusfeder

Like Plastic

David Flusfeder

A book about greed, perversity and a desire to escape. Howard has run away from his family and company and returns to find things not as his wife has led him to expect - his company is in trouble and his family are strange! A combination of satire and tragedy. Different!!

He arrives back in town, full haired. His suitcase contains one change of clothing, a selection of Vivien's letters (the most recent one still unopened), trophies from his travels and the fragments of a photograph .... He would call home, announce himself now, give them time to make their welcome party or construct their defences (he is not so high on self-exhilaration that he thinks his return will be entirely easy) that would be the considerate thing to do. He has gone beyond consideration. This is the grand thing ....
  • Running Away by Leslie Thomas
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