Look at Me by Sarah Duguid

Look at Me

Sarah Duguid

The repercussions of a father's indiscreet bohemian lifestyle are profound when the love child from his hippy past is contacted and invited to stay. Thus follows a five act tragedy of sibling rivalry, self-deception and simmering tension between the half-sisters, as both clamour for attention. This study of shifting family dynamics will challenge your sympathies for the characters as it unfolds - whose side will you be on?

Shouldn't she should have a different word? That word - father - suggests a history. How about a word that suggested lack of history? A word that explained they had a simple biological connection, not a relationship built, fought over. A bond of bathtimes, stand-offs over a plate of vegetables, afternoons spent on a windswept beach hoping for a break in the clouds, or a strong, hairy arm clamped around a child's tiny, squirming torso to stop her running off. Eunice couldn't have crawled into my father's bed in the middle of the night to sleep beside him - it wouldn't have been right - but I could.
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