Stromness Dinner by Peter Benson

Stromness Dinner

Peter Benson

If you have ever enjoyed a quiet hour in a park or café people watching then you will find lots to like in this book. It gives us a delightful, humorous and often quirky window into the lives of the characters, led by Ed - a London kitchen fitter - and a view of Orkney that will have you thinking about taking your next holiday there. Once read it will be a book to look back on with good memories.


As I sat and pondered, the ferry appeared again, heading back to Stromness. The decks and windows shone with dozens of lights. I could see people on the decks waving. I don't think they were waving at me but I waved back. The ferry didn't make a lot of noise for such a big thing, just a low rumble. And then it went around the corner and I was on my own again with the noisy birds. The sounded like they'd done a pill. After a while they were joined by loads of different birds. These had brown bodies and red legs. They looked more serious than the black and white birds. I wondered if you could eat them. Even if you could I thought that it would probably be against the law or maybe they were owned by the Duke of Edinburgh. But whatever, I did think that they'd probably need about half an hour at gas mark 5.   

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