The Winter Inside by Christopher Kenworthy

The Winter Inside

Christopher Kenworthy

This book is honest and frank - no sentimentality, no false judgement and no apologies. Without pulling any punches, it tells how men approach relationships. A powerful portrayal of the difficult decisions people make on a day-to-day basis when trying to live together or apart and find neither really satisfying. The second strand to the novel is the strange pursuit of the couple by her father - rather frightening and atmospheric.

The first thing he said was 'Are you all right?' 'I just wanted to see you.' He was already concerned that they'd been unable to have an ordinary greeting, simply to say hello, and be pleased to see each other. It would have been good to meet up without thinking about the past, but it must have been bothering her. When her eyes closed, he expected her to lean on him again, but she lowered her head into her hands and sobbed, the breath of vapour passing from her fingers. Behind her, a blackbird left its branch, snow breaking free beneath it.
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