Write to Kill by Daniel Pennac

Write to Kill

Daniel Pennac

There are enough red herrings and plot twists to keep a crime reader happy but Pennac's appeal lies in his anarchistic sense of humour, sympathy for his characters and huge love affair with books. There are four titles in the Malaussene series.

'She wants to walk into the chapel on your father's arm, Hadouch, and on Yasmina's too, and she wants Nourdine to be a page boy and Leila to be a bridesmaid.' ...

'What the fucking hell would a load of Muslims like us be doing at a roumis' wedding?'
I had my answer ready.
'These days, Hadouch, you can choose your religion, but not your tribe. And you are Clara's tribe.' ...
'All right. Where's the church?' ...
'No, Hadouch. She wants to get married in the prison chapel. Inside, if you see what I mean ....'

  • White Teeth by Zadie Smith
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