Ulrich Haarburste's Novel of Roy Orbison in Clingfilm by Michael Kelly

Ulrich Haarburste's Novel of Roy Orbison in Clingfilm

Michael Kelly

In downtown Dusseldorf, everyone communicates in a polite and formal manner, while Ulrich pursues his fantasy of wrapping Roy Orbison in clingfilm. An inventive and laugh out loud read for non-fetishists.

I wrap more carefully than ever before. Not merely personal gratification but civic pride is at stake. The sunlight glints on the translucent triumph of science. The faint rasp as I unspool it sends delirious brightly coloured butterflies flocking through my stomach. I am like a tailor of the elves bedecking him in a shimmering suit of some magical material. Soon, Roy Orbison stands before all of Dusseldorf wrapped up in clingfilm. Silent white light floods my whole being and I become one with the universe.
  • Grip by David Shrigley
  • My Godawful life: Abandoned. Betrayed. Stuck to a Window. by Michael Kelly & Sunny McCreary