Naked Brunch by Sparkle Hayter

Naked Brunch

Sparkle Hayter

A humerous journey of discovery following a lonely singleton living in a faceless, big city. Filled with surreal characters the book sees our central character discovering a whole community of people suffering with Lycanthropic Metamorphic Disorder, and finds her starting on a programme to help control her more animalistic urges.

There was a piece of something stuck between her teeth, but her arms still felt too heavy to lift. She tried first to dislodge it with her tongue. Five minutes of probing didn't dislodge it, so she willed her hand to her mouth to work it free. It looked and smelled like raw meat, gone grey from being in her mouth for so long. She was a vegetarian. What did I eat last night and what did I do, she wondered, trying to bring the evening before into better focus.
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