Thirteen by Sebastian Beaumont


Sebastian Beaumont

I found this story extremely gripping and rather scary though there were odd flashes of comedy as well. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, you may find yourself reading more than you intended at a sitting – it’s that kind of read.

I was hardly watching where Seymour was taking me, but was surprised that the journey was so short - just a block or two. We pulled up outside an Edwardian semi. The house was one of those that should have been characterful. But which had been ruined by having white plastic UPVC double glazing fitted throughout. As I got out of the cab, Valerie opened the door and beckoned us in. I got out and started up the short path to the door. It seemed just a little too bizarre that I had witnessed the fire in which she'd died, and I had no idea what I might say to her. But as I approached, she said, 'Don’t worry, Stephen. Don’t say anything. Just come inside.'
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