Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller

Our Endless Numbered Days

Claire Fuller

Wow! This book had me on the edge of my seat! Peggy escapes home to England after living with her father in a run-down cabin in the forests of Bavaria. Taken as a child of 8, she believes the reasons he gives for the retreat – until, 9 tortuous years on, she rebels. Some gripping passages, full of light and shadow and a breathtaking conclusion.

The piano was chunky and crude, but I thought that maybe it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Despite all the whittling, many of the keys stuck together and continual playing gave me blisters and splinters. Several times my father took it apart to shave off a sliver and pack it all together again. And yet I could press a key and hear the note it made; release it and the key would pivot back to a resting position and the sound would stop. The creation of the piano had taken the summer and the best days of the autumn. We should have been gathering and storing food and wood for the winter and, too late, we discovered that music could not sustain us.
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