What You Will by Katherine Bucknell

What You Will

Katherine Bucknell

The book's title, a nod to Twelfth Night, is a clue to this Shakespearian-style plot of misguided motives and hidden agendas in the perennial war of the sexes. Here is a rare treat - a sophisticated look at modern relationships, accurately describing the contradictory feelings of real men and women about careers, friendship, love and marriage.

'... Women place their trust in what's literal. They have to live in the flesh so much more than men. Submit to it. It's much easier for men to be cynical about the flesh, to detach themselves from it. Women take it literally because they might find they have no way out - there might be a child. Some response of the superego - for - for mental survival - makes them choose what's necessary. For women, every encounter of the flash can be earth-shaking. Total. Every encounter. Any encounter.'
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