My Name is Will by Jess Winfield

My Name is Will

Jess Winfield

A hallucinogenic, bawdy romp through the parallel lives of young Shakespeare (1582) and his namesake Willie Shakespeare Greenberg (1986), an American student writing a thesis on The Bard. This is a hedonistic novel of graphic seductions and psychedelic mischief. I wonder what Shakespeare puritans will make of it?

John stood on the table, nearly falling twice as he toasted William. 'Come ye one and all to my son his wedding tomorrow, and see what comes to pass when a young Willy doth Shake his spear to a comely Anne who hath a way twixt the sheets!' And there was laughter and toasting all around.
  • The Compleat Works of Wllm Shspr by The Reduced Shakespeare Company
  • Water Melon Man by John Irving
  • Shakespeare in love - the film
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