Finding Myself by Toby Litt

Finding Myself

Toby Litt

Chick lit author Victoria About intends to write a great novel based on the actions of a group of her friends whom she has marooned in a large house near Southwold. But what we read are Victoria's diaries of the month, plus her editor's (very funny) comments. Given Victoria's curiosity and her convinction that she can improve her friends' love lives, she was always more likely to produce 'Cold Comfort Farm' than 'To the Lighthouse'. Given her inability to manipulate her friends unseen, the 'Locked Room' murder of Victoria herself sometimes seems a distinct possibility! A feel good novel that is nearly as funny as it thinks it is.

And my sister laughed.
(They're so relaxed together. They must have had sex. But when?)

5 p.m. No sign of Henry and William. Ingrid tries to call Henry on his mobile, but it's turned off; Simona does the same with William, ditto. Perhaps they've fled back to London; or, more likely, they are in the pub. With journalists?

Small chat with Edith, in the hall.
I ask her how things are with Elizabeth; she is very unsupernatural in her reply. It's a holiday friendship between girls.

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